Summer 2005 – In a fleeting moment of insanity, I hatch a plan to drive my 1966 912 from England to Vietnam to raise money for charity.

The idea is deemed by others to be overly ambitious for a little 912, and I’m promptly persuaded to shelve it for consideration another day….

Spring 2010. Five years later the plan is unshelved and briefly dusted off. Planning and car preparation begins. The charity MAG “Mines Advisory Group” is chosen as the recipient for all funds raised.

September 22nd 2010: We leave the UK on our epic journey, destination Saigon.

November 20th 2010: Exactly 60 days and 18,000 adventure packed Kilometers later, we pull up outside the famous Rex Hotel in Saigon for a well deserved cold beer.

Despite terrible roads, corrupt Police and weather conditions ranging from sand storms in the Gobi desert to blizzards in China, we make it without so much as a puncture..!